Blue Hues and Color Psychology


I’ve been fascinated by Color Psychology since my sophomore year of college when I took the class that changed my life: Costume Design. For our final project we had to read a play and design two-three costume changes per character. We all had to seek inspiration from somewhere but I decided to go with Color Psychology.

Out of all the colors of the rainbow, blue is the one that catches my eye the most. It inspires trust, honesty and loyalty. It’s the most liked color of all, probably because it’s safe and non-threatening. It was the perfect color for the innocent character of the play, a 15 year old girl.

Although I’ve never been a fan of how blue looks on me, this peacock print dress by Retrolicious caught my eye as soon as I saw it hit the ModCloth site. Cotton and pockets. It couldn’t be anymore perfect. As usual, I couldn’t afford it. Luckily, someone was selling three of them on the Facebook clothing swap group for $20–shipped!



How do you think colors affect purchases? Was I inclined to buy the dress because of its color?

Photos by Da.Art Photography